Friday, December 2, 2022

Nov 23 2022-Wed TB MUS END

Clean Warm Up  561   Initial Pull+Clean Pull+Power Clean   611   64 1    67 1               or
                                  5                                                                         5       5        5          
60 yard shuttles (5,10,15) x6 reps on the minute    

PRI(circuit style from PRI thru FINISHER) 3-4 Rounds Total
Deadlift Var(front or back)
warm up (x 10,8)  Working x10-12
Kneeling Straight Leg Lateral Hip Rockers x8ea
DB or KB Push Press x8
Single Arm Seated Band Pulldowns x 12ea

Sandbag Get Ups x5ea
TRX Bridge and Leg Curls x8
Lateral Iso Band Punch x :30 sec ea
SKB Bells Up Farmers Walk x40yds ea

Cardio Sprint x:30sec

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