Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Nov 18 2020-Wed TB MUS END


Clean Warm Up  561   Initial Pull+Clean Pull+Power Clean   611   64 1    67 1               
                                  5                                                                         5       5        5    
Or Kneeling MB Toss With Bearcrawl x5sets of 30yards every :90sec
PRI(circuit style from PRI thru FINISHER) 3-4 Rounds Total
Squat Var(front or back)
warm up (x 10,8)  Working x10-12
1/2 Kneeling Landmine Press x8ea
Supine Rows (TRX or Barbell) x max

KB or DB Walking Lunges x10ea
DB Push Up to Row x10
3 Way TRX Core (rockers,pendulums, pikes) x10 ea

Cardio Implement Sprint x :30sec

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