Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Jul 15 2022-Fri UB STR END

1/2 Halo MB Slams 4x5ea                           max rest between sets 2:00min    
Sideling Shoulder Circles 3x5ea

Bench Variations
Warm up: 491    581   Working    67-70 4-5    start working sets every :75sec
                  8       6                        5
1 Arm DB Rows 4x6ea (start sets with warm up sets, only do one side at a time with any working sets

Alt DB Press 3x8ea
Band Punch and Hold 3x:30sec each side     max rest between rounds :60-:90 sec

SKBU 1 Arm Farmers Walk 3x:30sec each arm
Hand Release Push Ups 3x:30sec
1 Arm TRX Rows 3x10ea

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