Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Mar 24 2022-Thu UB MAX STR END


MB Wall Punch 3x:20sec work :60sec rest


Warm up Bench: 55 1     70 1
                                           8        5 
Bench Press-        82-85 8 ***                   ***  Denotes Start sets every :80 
DB or KB Single Arm Row 6x5  each arm.  Complete these with your warm up sets and your 1st working set.


Standing DB or KB Shoulder Press 4x8
Supine Rows 4x10 (Bar, TX or Rope)     Max rest between Rounds :60-:90 sec 


TRX I's and T's 4x8 ea
Lateral Band Rot and Punch 4x8ea
1  x Push up Series(Complete 1,2, then 3 in order per set)    Max rest between Rounds :60-:90 sec 
   1. Clapping x5
   2. Feet Elevated x 10
   3. Staggered x 7ea


1 Arm Bell Up KB Farmers Walk 3x:30sec each arm

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