Thursday, October 29, 2020

Oct 30 2020-Fri LB STR END


Combo: Clean Pull/Power Clean

 58 1      64-671         70-731-2                               max rest between sets 2:00min

5ea       5ea                5ea      

Or Box Jump (x3) + Broad Jumps (x3) x5


Squat or Deadlift

Warm up: 491    581   Working    67-70 4-5    start working sets every :75sec

                  8       6                        5

Band Punch and Hold 3x:30sec each side (start sets with warm up sets, only do one side at a time with any working sets


DB or KB Step Ups 3x8ea

Single Leg Dynamic Band Leg Curl  3x8ea    max rest between rounds :60-:90 sec

1 Arm KB Farmers Walk 3x:30sec each arm
Prone Plank with leg raises 3x:30sec
Side Plank with Abduction 3x:30sec

Wednesday, October 28, 2020




Straight Leg x 20

Bent Leg x 20

Over/Under 8 Trips


Wall Accelerators Single 2x :15 sec

Wall Accelerators Double 2x :15 sec

Wall Accelerators Triple 2x :15 sec

Multi Starts x 7(2 each) 

Rt. Knee / Left Knee / Both Knees / Prone / Open Rt. / Open Left / Seated

Jog Rotate Hammer x4


20's x 10-12 

Max effort with :45-:60sec rest

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Oct 28 2020-Wed TB MUS END

60 Yard shuttle (5,10,15) x7 on the minute

SKBU 90/90 Rot 3x8ea side         

PRI(circuit style from PRI thru FINISHER) 3-4 Rounds Total
Deadlift Var(front or back)
warm up (x 10,8)  Working x10-12
Piegon Stretch X:20-:30sec ea
DB or KB Push Press x8
Chin Ups x Maxea

Sandbag Clean Squat and Press x5ea
DB Push Up to Row x8
Alligator Walk Fwd/Back x10yd each
SKB Bells Up Farmers Walk x40yds ea

Cardio Implement Sprint x :30sec

Monday, October 26, 2020

Oct 27 2020-Tues MAX ANAEROBIC PWR

Work = x :20sec

Rest =  x 1:40-2:00sec

3-4 Sets of 8 reps

Pick one implement per set. Complete all 8 reps at that one implement. Record your work completed (distance, calories, ect) for each rep. After completing all 8 reps rest 2-5 min before starting the next set. You may switch implements between sets.

1.Versa Climber (max distance)
2.Air Bike (max calories)
4.Jacobs Ladder (max distance)
5.Row (max distance)
6.Treadmill (max distance)
7.Shuttle (max distance) 20 yards and back amrap

Oct 26 2020-Mon UB STR


Lateral MB Wall Toss 4x8ea
Scap Pull Ups 4x10


Bench Var
warm up  361   481       working  58 1     67 1          73 1        79-82 2 
                10      8                        8         6           5                5
Weighted Pull Up 5x5


Standing DB or KB Shoulder Press 4x5
Bent Over Barbell Rows 4x5

TRX I’s, Y’s, T’s 3x8ea
TRX Face Pulls 3x12
Lateral Band Rotation with Punch 3x10ea

OPTIONAL 2-3 Rounds
Dips x:30sec
Triceps x:30sec
Biceps x:30sec

Friday, October 23, 2020



Seated Hip Switches x 20
Seated Hip Ext x 20
Over/Under 8 Trips

Body Weight Option 4-5 Rounds Continuous Each exercise is :15sec work :45sec rest
1. BW Squats        2. Squat Jumps      3. Shoulder Taps    4. Iron Cross 
5. Scorpions (lying on stomach)  6. BW Lunges   7. Split Squat Jumps 
8. Prone Cobras   9. Bicycle Crunches  10. 60 yd shuttle  11.Rest

Fartlek Option 30 min Continuous
A. Walk x :45sec
B.  Jog x :30sec
C.  Sprint x :15
repeat for 30 min

Cardio Option 30-40 min continuous cardio exercise, your choice (bike, run, row, swim, ect).  At a very moderate pace

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Oct 22 2020-Thu TB MAX STR END

 PWR(combo)One Clean Pull, One Power Clean then repeat.

Clean Pull+Power Clean  671     731    761     791       82-851     max rest 1:20sec btw sets
                                         3ea    3ea     3ea     3ea     3ea 

Deadlift  641   701    Warm Ups  76-791      82-85 8    Every :70sec on working set
                    8       6                  4               2
Active Straight Leg Raise 4x8ea

DB Incline Bench 5x5       max rest :60-75sec between rounds
1 arm DB Rows 5x5ea

MB Slam w/ Burpee 4x8
Sandbag Shouler Clean + Get Up  4x5ea   max rest :60-75sec between rounds
Isos Lateral Band Punch and Hold 4x:20-:30sec ea

Oct 21 2020-Wed ANAEROBIC CAP

 Work = x :30sec

Rest =  x :90sec
2:00 Min Rest Between Sets

3 Sets

Start with station 1, work your way thru all 8 stations at the works and rest ratios above. After completing all 8 reps rest 2 min before starting the next set.

1.Versa Climber (distance)
2.Air Bike (calories)
4.Jacobs Ladder (distance)
5.MB Get up Sit Ups (reps)
6.Row (distance)
7.Treadmill (distance)
8.Shuttle (distance) 20 yards and back amrap

Monday, October 19, 2020

Oct 20 2020-Tues UB MUS END


Tire Sledgehammer Strikes 4x8ea
Bent Over Plate Retraction 4x12

PRI(circuit style from PRI thru FINISHER) 3-4 Rounds Total
Incline Bench or 1/2 Kneeling Landmine Press  [10] x10
SKB or DB Unsupported  Rows x10ea

DKB Push Press x8ea
Pull Up Negatives x8 (3 sec down)

Lying SKB or SDB Single Arm Floor Press x10
Lateral Sandbag Plank Pulls x10yds
Prone Iso A, W, Y x:15sec ea

Battle Rope x:30sec
Ski Erg x:30sec

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Oct 19 2020-Mon LB STR


Clean Pulls  64 1 Power Cleans   76 1   82 1     85 1       88 1.        or..............
                      5                                 3       3         3         2     
Mini Hurdle hop(10hops) + Sprint (5yards) 6x2
Wall Ankle Mobility 4x :20-:30sec each side

Front/Back Squat 
Warm Up  48 1        61 1 Working 70 1      76 1        79 1          82 1         851        85-88 1
                  10           6                     5         4              4              3         3              3
Pigeon, brettzle, or couch stretch 4x :20-:30sec each side

KB/DB RFE Single leg squat 4x5ea
Glute Ham Raises 4x5

Supine Hamstring Walk x8
Iso GHD Back Ext Holds x:30sec
Prone Planks x:30sec

Oct 16 2020-Fri LB STR END


Combo: Clean Pull + Power Clean or Heavy Sled Push 8 x :30sec
67 1      702       731     761              max rest between sets 2:00 min
3ea       3ea      3ea    3ea      

Squat or Deadlift
Warm up: 581          671         671      Working        76-796   start working sets every :80sec 
                 4-8      4-8       2-5                               4
Band Punch and Hold 4x:30sec each side (start sets with warm up sets, only do one side at a time with any working sets

Weighted (Vest, DB, KB)  Step Ups 4x5ea
Band Goodmornings 4x8 max rest between rounds :60-:90 sec

Lateral Bounds 3x8 ea
Prone back Ext 3x10
STAB Leg Curls 3x8
1/2 Kneeling Chops & Lifts 4x8ea  max rest between rounds :60-:90 sec

Wednesday, October 14, 2020



Agility Ladder
Fwd 1 foot, Fwd 2 feet, Fwd double chop, Fwd In and out, Lateral 2 feet high knees, Lateral jab step lead foot, Lateral jab step trail foot, Lateral in and Out, Lateral scissor, Lateral hops in and out, Fwd hops 2 feet, Fwd hops 1 foot rt, Fwd hops 1 foot lt, Fwd hopscotch, Fwd weave, Fwd weave 2 feet out x 2 reps each

AGILITY DRILLS work to rest 5:1
1/2 Figure 8 x2 each way
Full Figure 8's x2 each way
Pro Agility x2 each way
X Drill x2 each way

Diamond Drill x2 each way

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Oct 14 2020-Wed TB MUS END


Clean Warm Up  561   Initial Pull+Clean Pull+Power Clean   611   64 1    67 1               or
                                  5                                                                         5       5        5          
60 yard shuttles (5,10,15) x6 reps on the minute    

PRI(circuit style from PRI thru FINISHER) 3-4 Rounds Total
Deadlift Var(front or back)
warm up (x 10,8)  Working x10-12
Kneeling Straight Leg Lateral Hip Rockers x8ea
DB or KB Push Press x8
Single Arm Seated Band Pulldowns x 12ea

Sandbag Get Ups x5ea
TRX Bridge and Leg Curls x8
Lateral Iso Band Punch x :30 sec ea
SKB Bells Up Farmers Walk x40yds ea

Cardio Implement Sprint x :30sec

Oct 13 2020-Tues ANEROBIC PWR

1 Rounds of......

Pick any cardio implement, or rotate between a variety.
0:20 sec work
1:40 sec rest

Indoor options: Air Bike, Curve Treadmill, Versa Climber, Rower, Sled Push, Shuttle Run

2-4 Sets x 8 Reps

Rest 2-3 min between rounds

Oct 12 2020-Mon UB MAX STR


Depth Drop Push Ups (for Height) 4x5
Sidelying Shoulder Circles 4x5ea

warm up  361   551     working      671       761      821      881     941     94-971
                   10      8                        5          2-3     1-2       1        1        ME
Bent Over Barbell Rows 6x5

Standing Shoulder Press 5x4
Weighted Pull Up 5x5

Single Arm Offset DB Bench Press 4x5ea
TRX 1 Arm Rows 4 x8ea
Band Archers 4x12ea
Prone Plank 2 push Up 4x10

BONUS (Optional)
Dips x:30sec
Triceps x:30sec
Biceps x:30sec

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Oct 9 2020-Fri KB Challenge

KB Option:Hellbound 5-7 Rounds 
1.DKB Front Squat to Press x:60sec,Rest :60Sec 
2.Shuttle(15yds and back) x:60sec,Rest :60Sec 
3.DKB Dead Clean or 1/4 Squat Jumps x10 +:10sec Hold, Rest :60Sec 
4.Lateral Shuffle x :60sec,Rest :60Sec 
5.DKB Swing :60sec,
Rest :60Sec Rest 2min between rounds then repeat for desired number of rounds, most weight with perfect form wins!!!

Oct 8 2020-Thu TB STR END


One Power Clean, One Hang Clean then repeat. Or Sandbag Shoulder clean (5ea)+ Sandbag Carry Sprint (30yds) x 4sets
Hang Clean + Power Clean  641     671    701       max rest 1:20sec btw sets
                                                                 5ea    5ea     5ea

Kneeling wrist Mobility 4x:20-30sec

Front/Back Squat  491   551    Warm Ups  611      67 4    Every :80sec on working set
                              8       6                  6      5
Active Straight Leg Raise 4x8ea

1/2 Kneeling Landmine Press 3x3x8ea      max rest :60-75sec between rounds
TRX Supine Rows 3x10

MB Slam w/ Burpee 3x8
DB/KB Single Leg RDL's  3x5ea   max rest :60-75sec between rounds
Iso Superman Holds 3x:30sec
Single Arm Farmers Walk (heavy) 3x40 yds each

TRX Mountain Climbers x10ea
TRX Pikes x10
TRX Plank Pendulums  x10ea

Tuesday, October 6, 2020


 Work = x :30sec

Rest =  x :90sec

1.Versa Climber or Jacobs Ladder x :30sec(max distance)
2.Air Bike or Row x :30sec(max distance)
3.Treadmill or Sandbag Shuttle x :30sec(max distance)
4.Push Up Shoulder Taps
5.Versa Climber or Jacobs Ladder x :30sec(max distance)
6.Air Bike or Row x :30sec(max distance)
7.Treadmill or Sandbag Shuttle x :30sec(max distance)
8.Band Squat + Press Iso Hold  x :30sec

Monday, October 5, 2020

Oct 6 2020-Tues UB MUS END


Lateral MB Wall MB Toss 4x8ea
Band Retraction 4x12

PRI(circuit style from PRI thru FINISHER) 3-4 Rounds Total
Incline Bench or Push Press  [10] x10 Or Bench 10x10(@bw on bar) rest :60 between sets
Chin Up x Max                                     Or Pull Up 10x10 (bw) rest :60sec between sets

Lying SKB Single Arm Floor Press x8ea
SKB or DB Unsupported  Rows x10ea

DB Push Up to Row x10
Lateral Sandbag Plank Pulls xx10yds
Band Face Pulls x12

Upper Body Only Versa Climber x70 or Incline Mountain Climbers x:30sec

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Oct 5 2020-Mon LB STR


Power Cleans 67 1   73 1     76 1     79-82 1  Or Multiple Response Broad Jumps(x5) x 5sets
                      4         4           4            4
3 Way Band Ankle Mobility 4x12 each side each way

Deadlift Var
Warm Up 48 1   56 1  Working     64 1      70 1        73 1          79 1         82 1        82-85 1  
                 10       8                       5         5              5            4             4              3
Pigeon or brettzle stretch 4x :20-:30sec each side

KB/DB RFE Single leg squat 4x5ea
Glute Ham Raises 4x5

SKB Turkish Get Ups 3x3ea
FFE Single Leg Glute Bridge 3x8
Alligator Walks 3x15 yards each

Thursday, October 1, 2020



Straight Leg x 20
Bent Leg x 20
Over/Under 8 Trips
Wall Accelerators Single 2x :15 sec
Wall Accelerators Double 2x :15 sec
Wall Accelerators Triple 2x :15 sec
Multi Starts x 7(2 each) 
Rt. Knee / Left Knee / Both Knees / Prone / Open Rt. / Open Left / Seated

Jog Rotate Hammer x4
40's x 10-12 
Max effort with :45-:60sec rest