Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Jun 12 2019-Wed LB MUS END

Clean Pulls   61Clean Pull/Power Clean/Hang Clean     67 2-3      70 1-2                 
                          5                                                                         5ea         5ea                       
Kneeling Wrist Mobility 4x:30sec

PRI(circuit style from PRI thru FINISHER) 3-4 Rounds Total
Squat Var warmp up x8-12 working x10
Single Leg Bridge with Knee Hug 4x8ea

DB/KB Step Up with Knee Drive x8ea
Iso Superman Hold :30sec

Sandbag Get Ups Ups x8ea
Supine Walking Glute Bridge x8
Band Prone Plank Pulls x8-10ea

Cardio Implement Sprint x:30sec

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