Thursday, August 30, 2018

Aug 31 2018-Fri ESD AEROBIC PWR

KB Option:The Dean's List 4-6 Rounds
1.SKB Swings x10+ SKB 1 arm Swings Rtx5+SKB 1 arm Swings Ltx5 (or 20 SKB Swings), Rest :20sec       2.DKB Clean x8, Rest :20sec      3.DKB Squats x10, Rest :20Sec     4.DKB Push Press x10, Rest :20Sec     5.Plank to Push Up x10, Rest :20sec    6.DKB Farmers Walk x60 Yards, Rest :20sec 

MB Circuit Option:Perform each Exercise with an interval of :30/:30 for 5sets of 5 reps, take a 60 sec break between exercises.  When one full circuit is complete take a 2 min break and repeat all for an interval of :20/:10 for 5 sets of 5 reps again.
1.Vert MB Toss
2.MB windmill Slams
3.Kneeling Medball toss with Bear Crawl
4. MB Slam w Burpee
5. Reverse Crunch
6. MB Chest Pass throw from the Ground

Cardio Round Robin Option: Air Bike x1mile , row x2k, force treadmill x500yd, versaclimber x400m, force treadmill x550yds) x2 Rounds

Rest in in between implements and at the completion of each round

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