Friday, August 31, 2018

Aug 30 2018-Thurs UB STR END

MB Wall Toss 4x8
Dynamic Band Rows 4x10

Warm up Bench: 491    581  Bench Press-    701    76-796       repeat  every :80 sec   
                                10       8                                 6          4
DB or KB Single Arm Row 5x5  each arm.  Complete these with your warm up sets and your 1st working set.

Standing DB or KB Shoulder Press 4x6
Supine Rows 4x8 (Bar, TX or Rope)     Max rest between Rounds :60-:90 sec

TRX I's and T's 3x8 ea
1/2 Kneeling Lifts & Chops 3x8 ea
3 x Push up Series(Complete 1,2, then 3 in order per set)    Max rest between Rounds :60-:90 sec
   1. Clapping x5
   2. Feet Elevated x 12
   3. Staggered x 8ea

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Aug 31 2018-Fri ESD AEROBIC PWR

KB Option:The Dean's List 4-6 Rounds
1.SKB Swings x10+ SKB 1 arm Swings Rtx5+SKB 1 arm Swings Ltx5 (or 20 SKB Swings), Rest :20sec       2.DKB Clean x8, Rest :20sec      3.DKB Squats x10, Rest :20Sec     4.DKB Push Press x10, Rest :20Sec     5.Plank to Push Up x10, Rest :20sec    6.DKB Farmers Walk x60 Yards, Rest :20sec 

MB Circuit Option:Perform each Exercise with an interval of :30/:30 for 5sets of 5 reps, take a 60 sec break between exercises.  When one full circuit is complete take a 2 min break and repeat all for an interval of :20/:10 for 5 sets of 5 reps again.
1.Vert MB Toss
2.MB windmill Slams
3.Kneeling Medball toss with Bear Crawl
4. MB Slam w Burpee
5. Reverse Crunch
6. MB Chest Pass throw from the Ground

Cardio Round Robin Option: Air Bike x1mile , row x2k, force treadmill x500yd, versaclimber x400m, force treadmill x550yds) x2 Rounds

Rest in in between implements and at the completion of each round

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Aug 29 2018-Wed LB MUS END

PWR Complex
Clean Pull+Hang Clean   611        671     731         
                                               5           5        5                       
Broad Jumps 4x4

PRI(circuit style from PRI thru FINISHER) 3 Rounds Total
Squat Variation    warm up (10,8) working x8
Single Leg Bridge with Knee Hug x8ea

DB/KB Step Up with Knee Drive x8ea
TRX Leg Curls x8

Straight Leg Bridge x8
Alligator Walks Fwd/Back x1ea
Iso Superman Hold :30sec

Cardio Implement Sprint  x:30sec

RPE & Percentage Charts

Monday, August 27, 2018

Movement Prep


2-3 Rounds of......
Pick any cardio implement, or rotate between a variety
:90sec work
:90 sec rest
5 Reps each set

Aug 27 2018-Mon TB MAX STR

Warm up Clean Pulls 591   671    Cleans   671     761    821    851    881
                                          5      4                     3           3      2       2       2           
Front/Back Squa
Warm Up 491    581                671       761      821      881     941     94-971
                    8        6                   5         2-3      1-2       1         1        ME
Pigeon or brettzle stretch 4x :20-:30sec each side

DB Incline Bench 5x5
Weighted Chin Ups 5x3

Barbell Glute Bridge 3x5
Alt DB Raises 3x10ea
Prone Plank with Limb Raise 3x:45-:60